Filthy Casuals began with an extended group of friends on Atiesh-Horde looking to experience World of Warcraft anew and quickly grew as we found allies in our battles across Azeroth. From our early days in Molten Core through the legendary “Bug Week” grind and beyond into Naxxramas we took Classic by storm. Stepping through the Dark Portal we continued conquest with Karazhan and throughout our Outland adventures we bested every boss before nerfs hit. We’ve balanced a strong community with progression raiding. Now, with the icy winds of Northrend cutting across the sea, we are excited to dominate The Lich King together with old and new friends alike.
Filthy Casuals strikes the balance between gaming excellence and casual mayhem. We feel World of Warcraft is best when enjoyed in the company of friends. We strive to maintain a healthy roster of both social members and dedicated raiders. We are happy to help anyone motivated to learn, gear, and improve their play. If that appeals to you, feel free to apply!
We strive to be inclusive to all participants of Filthy Casuals guild activities and to ensure we are a welcoming, safe, and respectful environment. Community is deeply important to us and ensuring that everyone who participates in Filthy Casuals has an opportunity to feel welcomed into our community is our driving goal. You may read our full inclusivity statement here below.
Filthy Casuals in Wrath of the Lich King will be raiding with a single mid-core 25-person raid team. Our raiders respect the time and effort we each put into World of Warcraft.
With the introduction of smaller raid teams that access all content in Wrath of the Lich King, there is a strong emphasis on individual responsibility and synergistic play. This means gearing, enchanting, and consuming to the best of your ability to progress through the content quickly and efficiently. Adaptability and willingness to seek improvement in your own play is critical. Helpful players with a good attitude and performance will always take priority. Consistent raid attendance is required to maintain raider status.
25-person raid content: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6pm to 9pm server time.
10-person raid content is not directly managed by guild leadership and will be posted/organized by community members.
Additional time may be scheduled during progression based upon raider availability.
Filthy Casuals utilizes a Loot Council composed of all present officers and one rostered raid members (monthly rotation), each with equal say in awarding loot. Distribution will be based upon a number of factors including, but not limited to, progression reqs, attendance, seniority, and priority loot. All raiders will be required to have RCLootCouncil installed to be eligible for loot.
Be respectful of each other’s time and effort. Arrive to raid fully repaired, having all necessary consumables, and any required raid items on your character. Be online, ready, and outside the instance 15 minutes prior to raid, regardless of if you are sitting that week or not. Communicate absences as early as possible via #
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Casually Filthy (Filthy Casuals) juega 2 veces por semana por un total de 6 horas
Day | Start | Duration |
Mié | 01:00 | 3 horas |
Vie | 01:00 | 3 horas |
Casually Filthy (Filthy Casuals) no está recrutando en este momento.
Bandas, Social, Mazmorras
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