Purveyors of Fine Meats are a long term semi-hardcore ( semi-casual now) guild started back in August 2019. We've cleared every phase of content since launch and will be around till the game isn't.
Raid Times Sunday, Monday - 8:00 PM AEST > 11:00 PM AEST
GM: Boltzz
La información de contacto no ha sido establecida
Purveyors of Fine Meats juega 2 veces por semana por un total de 6 horas
Day | Start | Duration |
Lun | 09:00 | 3 horas |
Dom | 09:00 | 3 horas |
Purveyors of Fine Meats no está recrutando en este momento.
Bandas, Social
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¿Cual es el lenguaje primario usado en Purveyors of Fine Meats?