Kinda Bad is a hardcore speed-running guild focused on team execution and personal responsibility. We are comprised of experienced players and leadership, dating back to early classic with hardcore experience from original vanilla and TBC. We are looking for like minded players that want to push server-first progression and speed-running times.
22nd - US Horde - Mount Hyjal
26th - US Horde - Gruul
48th - US Horde - Magtheridon
57th - US Horde - SSC
Min/Max your character. Engineering (unless you have a valid reason not to be), gems, enchants, etc. We expect you to know your class in and out, but have a lot of experienced players that can help with any questions you may have. While we do not currently require an alt, they are highly encouraged.
We utilize thatsmybis to inform our LC.
Retribution Paladin
Enhancement Shaman
We are always looking for exceptional players of any class or spec.
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Kinda Bad juega 2 veces por semana por un total de 7 horas
Day | Start | Duration |
Mié | 01:00 | 3h 30m |
Jue | 01:00 | 3h 30m |
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