The people we prefer are not the people that get gear and are just "pushing buttons". We want people that have the will to learn and play, not for the gear, but for the fun! This game we play is 15 years old and why would we play it, if not for fun?
Raid days are Wednesday & Sunday 19-22:30 Server Time. Raid invites start 15 minutes before.
Currently we are 14/14
La información de contacto no ha sido establecida
Unknown juega 2 veces por semana por un total de 7 horas
Day | Start | Duration |
Mié | 18:00 | 3h 30m |
Dom | 18:00 | 3h 30m |
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¡Unknown está recrutando!
¿Para qué actividades está reclutando Unknown ?
¿Cual es el lenguaje primario usado en Unknown?