"Providence was formed on Day-One on Mograine, but transferred over to Pyrewood Village for the release of TBC, we are a highly organised ‘boomer guild’ with a more casual yet still progression focussed ethos. We cleared and farmed all of the classic content efficiently but at our own pace, and have a well organised professions and guild bank system to support raiders. When we raid we aim to have fun and pride ourselves on the ability to laugh at ourselves when things don’t quite go to plan (active tea bagging photo thread!). Join our stable core of experienced officers and raiders, and become part of our friendly and welcoming community outside of raiding too."
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Providence juega 2 veces por semana por un total de 6 horas
Day | Start | Duration |
Jue | 19:30 | 3 horas |
Dom | 19:30 | 3 horas |
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¡Providence está recrutando!
Bandas, Mazmorras, Social
¿Para qué actividades está reclutando Providence ?
¿Cual es el lenguaje primario usado en Providence?