Exquisite has raided consistently since Classic release, with core leadership remaining mostly the same throughout. Our focus for Wrath is raiding at a high level in all content, and we emphasize that raiders/applicants should be sociable and hold themselves to a high standard of gameplay. We have a very active community, people hang out on discord every day.
Old servers:
Our raiding days and times are:
Wednesday: 19:30 - 23:00
Thursday: 19:30 - 23:00
Monday: 19:30 - 23:00
We run a 3-person loot council with caster, melee and healer representation - with one backup officer for an additional vote if necessary.
Priority for the best items goes to the best-performing players, taking into account raid performance, mindset/attitude/preparation, and participation in the guild.
Before Tier 7 release, we ran an open discussion on class/role priorities and loot strategy for Phase 1. This was very productive and we plan on doing the same thing for each tier going forwards.
Ranks have been reset as of Wrath release, we are still working towards shaping our core roster for hard/heroic modes.
There is no set trial-period, everyone will be looked at individually.
Some factors we look at are: consistency, activity, attendance, performance, handling mechanics, willingness to improve and being a team player.
We are currently recruiting:
Feel free to join our discord at https://discord.gg/Ud7GGMKfq2.
You can fill in an application in our #guild-applications channel and an officer will come back to you.
You can add abyssus1337, aery0 or huntos on discord if you wish to discuss things privately.
Feel free to join our discord at https://discord.gg/Ud7GGMKfq2 or you can add abyssus1337, aery0 or huntos on discord if you wish to discuss things privately.
Earthshaker-Exquisite juega 3 veces por semana por un total de 10h 30m
Day | Start | Duration |
Lun | 18:30 | 3h 30m |
Mié | 18:30 | 3h 30m |
Jue | 18:30 | 3h 30m |
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