We are a raiding guild who's core player base originates from Nethergarde Keep, previously raiding between a WR100-500 level for progression and speed throughout classic vanilla & classic TBC.
Goals: • Hard mode clears. • Complete all hard mode achievements and glories • Set a respectable clear time for each raid whilst current.
Schedule: • Monday: 20:00 - 23:00 • Tuesday: 20:00 - 23:00
Exceptional players will always be considered irrespective of recruitment status.
If you are interested in applying or have any further questions feel free to fill out our application form or contact Jafar#3333 on discord.
Take Two juega 2 veces por semana por un total de 6 horas
Day | Start | Duration |
Lun | 20:00 | 3 horas |
Mar | 20:00 | 3 horas |
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