TLDR is a semi-hardcore guild on Earthshaker (EU) competing for realm firsts titles.
Naxx (Realm 2nd), OS (Realm 1st), EoE (Realm 1st)
Realm 2nd Ulduar 25. First alliance
We are searching for players to join our ranks and solidify our position as the unrivaled champions of the Alliance.
Next up is Icecrown Citadel and defeating the Lich King, for this we're running many splits to have the shiniest of shiny
Join our discord to discover more :
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TLDR juega 2 veces por semana por un total de 6 horas
Day | Start | Duration |
Mié | 19:00 | 3 horas |
Jue | 19:00 | 3 horas |
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