The main goal of Dark Horse is to be bring together solid players who enjoy clearing content together. The founding members consist primarily of players who's raid team crumbled after a poorly executed server migration. Many of us have raided together for at least all of TBC and in some cases all of vanilla as well. That being said all likeminded players are welcome.
The primary raid team of Dark Horse is not a casual "parent guild", but it isn't a super sweaty, 5 raid night, private server raiding mandatory team either. Players will be expected to be proficient in their class/spec and show up on time and prepared. 99 parses are not mandatory, but being able to listen to directions and handle typical raid mechanics are.
Dark Horse juega 2 veces por semana por un total de 6 horas
Day | Start | Duration |
Mar | 01:30 | 3 horas |
Jue | 01:30 | 3 horas |
Estos datos se basan en los recientes informes de Dark Horse
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